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Some people like to do things well…
Some people like to go against the grain...
Some people like to create something unique and original...

The wedding album POLAWEDDING, for example, likes to do all of the above.
First, because it's beautiful.
Second, because it's original.
Third, because every single element in it is unique, starting from the album itself, expressly created by local artisans, up to the photos, ethereal snap-shots spontaneously decorated while they develop.

There are two versions of POLAWEDDING album:

. deluxe (60-80 images plus 2 choice enlargements, up to 100x120 cm)

. basic (about 20 images plus 1 choice enlargement up to 100x120 cm). This is a good solution as an appendix to the official wedding album from your choice photographer, or as a portrait collection of the guests.

And what about POLAPARTY?
It can transform any event into a memorable occasion… a collection of portraits that comes to life photo after photo…

POLAEXPERIENCE can turn your event into something special, with stunning results.

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